
This leaderboard shows the number of recordings and reviews others have done and an individual user's scores. Data are update approximately every 10 minutes.

# Username Kapohanga Reo Reviews Tatau [beta]
951 Support Kumara 🤙🏽 26 44 43
952 amclaren 26 0 7
954 missy_ataahua 26 0 5
956 Anahera 26 0 7
958 Hazza 26 0 10
959 TeKotuku 26 1 7
961 Anonymous Kumara 26 2 0
963 whaearae 26 0 6
964 kanihi 25 0 7
965 Anonymous Kumara 25 0 5
966 Hepi 25 0 8
967 te_rira 25 0 0
969 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕 25 0 8
970 Anonymous Kumara 25 0 5
973 Anonymous Kumara 25 0 6
976 estelle7 25 10 0
977 25 15 5
978 CarolPB 25 0 5
979 whaeatoni 24 2 0
984 kakara 24 117 0
985 thesebastians@ris 24 3 5
986 arwenbd 24 0 12
987 Larn 24 0 5
995 Ticktillpay 24 0 5
997 Paehoro 24 0 6
998 moana69 24 5 5
999 te_aniwa 24 0 8
1000 Anonymous Kumara 23 0 6