
This leaderboard shows the number of recordings and reviews others have done and an individual user's scores. Data are update approximately every 10 minutes.

# Username Kapohanga Reo Reviews Tatau [beta]
853 Whaea_M 34 0 0
854 empiya 34 0 10
856 Kaysi27 34 0 6
859 nomez 34 0 10
863 Kiriwiri 33 31 8
864 taylor.murray6 33 0 7
866 33 3 8
867 briahnapukeroa1 33 6 13
871 regan.hapeta 33 4 10
872 bonzokaye 33 0 0
873 r.jujnovich 32 6 6
876 mangataioremwwl 32 11 8
877 ErinPani 32 0 7
879 Anonymous Kumara 32 0 0
881 Anonymous Kumara 32 35 0
882 Laquarn211002 32 18 10
883 Anonymous Kumara 31 0 6
885 Keinaleach 31 0 3
887 Makere 31 1 11
888 Anonymous Kumara 31 2 0
889 Cope 31 0 1
890 Anonymous Kumara 31 0 0
893 ArohaPuru 31 0 1
894 jess_gerbic 31 33 6
895 Anonymous Kumara 30 0 6
896 GinaDarlington 30 0 6
897 kaimiro 30 0 6
898 Rita 30 11 10
899 Anonymous Kumara 30 0 7
900 Anonymous Kumara 30 0 6