
This leaderboard shows the number of recordings and reviews others have done and an individual user's scores. Data are update approximately every 10 minutes.

# Username Kapohanga Reo Reviews Tatau [beta]
551 Ruha 78 0 24
552 Kawariki01 78 0 26
555 Moureaking 77 2 27
556 marihi 76 0 18
557 marbr405 76 0 26
559 ShavaughnK 75 1 16
562 Ara89 75 0 20
566 hohepas70 74 49 24
567 Mani 74 5 21
568 Commodore 74 0 23
569 Kiwikiwi 73 0 19
570 Rakeiti 73 1 27
572 Raniera 72 187 210
573 matau 72 0 22
574 whae 72 0 17
575 Ala 72 0 31
576 Aris 71 2 16
577 Heeni 71 0 16
581 Anonymous Kumara 70 0 16
582 nichola 70 4 29
584 Rakaea 69 0 25
586 ema95 69 33 18
587 merimeri 68 7 22
588 helenreut 68 12 18
593 tootz 67 0 21
594 67 0 19
599 Olivia 66 0 17
600 Anonymous Kumara 65 0 14